Infrared Sauna Benefits

With endorsements from celebrities and influencers alike, you might be wondering whether or not infrared saunas actually work. And hey, we don’t blame you! When it comes to skincare, we are always cautious of whether the highly touted benefits are real. To help, we’ve gathered our findings on infrared saunas to better assist you on how to get your (healthy) glow on with us!

What exactly is an infrared sauna?

Unlike the heat from a traditional sauna that warms the body via air or steam, infrared heat comes from the wavelengths of light on the electromagnetic spectrum, which are invisible to the human eye. They safely penetrate deep into joints and muscles with the same rays that come from the sun — minus the UV radiation. As the body temperature rises by infrared heat, perspiration occurs and blood circulation increases. The muscles, organs, tissues and cells are stimulated by the heat that causes one to sweat. As a result, toxins are removed from the body through perspiration.

Sounds great, but what are the benefits?

The benefits of using an infrared sauna are similar to those experienced with a traditional sauna. These include:

  • Better sleep and relaxation

  • Help for people with chronic fatigue

  • Detoxification

  • Weight loss

  • Relief from sore muscles and joint pain (such as arthritis)

  • Clear and tighter skin

  • Improved circulation

Infrared saunas may also boost collagen production and mood, especially if chromotherapy lights are incorporated in the session. Chromotherapy, or the utilization of different shades of light for different therapies, can be used for a multitude of benefits from building collagen and pain relief (through red LED light) to killing acne-causing bacteria (through blue LED light).

What can I expect when I book my first glow?
Infrared heat is very gentle.  The experience is similar to lying in the sun on a warm day and feeling the heat radiate to the core of your body. FAR infrared waves penetrate 1-3 inches below the skin’s surface to heat the body. For the first ten minutes, you feel warmth surrounding you as well as heat from the bed pad. Halfway through your session, you will begin to slowly sweat and towards the end of the session a full body sweat. You may lower or fully exit the pod at any time if you begin to feel too warm or lightheaded.

Okay, I’m sold! What else do I need to know before I come?
Please make sure that you are hydrated and have eaten something light at least an hour prior. When you sweat, your body uses water to flush out toxins and other waste. The more water in your system, the more productive your sweat session will be. It is also important to replenish with lots of water post-sweat! Please make sure your skin is clean of any products prior to your sweat session. It’s best to bring loose fitting clothes to change into afterwards. Water and towels will be provided for your session.

What about aftercare?
Once your time is up on the clock, the timer will sound and that is your cue to hop out. Use a cold towel to wipe down. Use a standard towel to dry off and you’ll be ready to dress. Be sure to drink lots of liquids to replenish your body after your sweat session. When you’re ready to book your next session, please book online.

For additional information, please visit our SWEATIER FAQs and Dos + Don’ts.


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